Furthermore, Indonesian uses a topic-comment structure in its sentences, where the topic is established first before the comment is made. This can be a departure from the subject-verb-object structure found in many other languages and requires speakers to think about sentence structure in a different way.

Indonesian is a fascinating language with its own unique grammatical structures that set it apart from other languages. One of the key features of Indonesian is its use of a topic-comment structure in sentences.

In Indonesian, the topic of a sentence is established first before the comment is made. This is in contrast to languages like English, which typically follow a subject-verb-object structure. For example, in English, a sentence might be structured as “I eat rice,” with the subject (I) followed by the verb (eat) and the object (rice). In Indonesian, the sentence might be structured as “Saya makan nasi,” where the topic (Saya – I) is first established before the comment (makan nasi – eat rice) is made.

This difference in sentence structure can be challenging for speakers of other languages to grasp, as it requires them to think about sentence construction in a different way. Instead of focusing on the subject performing an action, Indonesian speakers must first identify the topic before moving on to the comment.

The topic-comment structure in Indonesian allows for a more flexible and nuanced way of expressing ideas. By establishing the topic first, speakers can provide context and background information before making their main point. This can lead to more complex and detailed conversations, as speakers have the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic before moving on to the comment.

Additionally, the topic-comment structure in Indonesian can help speakers emphasize certain aspects of a sentence. By placing the topic at the beginning of a sentence, speakers can draw attention to a particular person, place, or thing before elaborating on it in the comment. This can help to clarify the main point of a sentence and ensure that the listener understands the intended message.

Overall, the topic-comment structure in Indonesian adds richness and depth to the language, allowing speakers to convey their thoughts and ideas in a clear and organized manner. While it may require some adjustment for speakers of other languages, mastering this unique grammatical feature can open up new opportunities for communication and expression.

In conclusion, the topic-comment structure in Indonesian is a distinctive feature that sets the language apart from others. By establishing the topic before making a comment, speakers can provide context, emphasize key points, and engage in more detailed conversations. This unique grammatical structure adds depth and complexity to the language, making Indonesian a fascinating language to learn and explore.


– Sneddon, J. N. (1996). Indonesian: A comprehensive grammar. Routledge.

– Suryadi, L. (2007). Indonesian grammar in context: Asyik belajar bahasa Indonesia. Penerbit Erlangga.